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We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I love to dream....

We have this neighbor, he lives downstairs, and he is very loud. We suspect he is going through some sort of mid-life-crisis... because of some things we've heard. Part of me feels bad, the other part wants to smash his speaker system into 10 million pieces and shove it down his throat. OK that was an over-reaction. But seriously, the other night was the worst! He blasted music so loud our apartment was shaking, SHAKING! And when we went down and knocked on the door, he refused to answer, and would only knock back... oooooo this made me so mad, (this wasn't the first time this has happened) I called the cops, who were not helpful. Surprise, surprise. They knocked for about a half an hour and the guy downstairs just refused to answer the door, he would switch the music from Miley Cyrus to Hakuna Matata. You know, the good stuff... haha (he is wierd) and throw things at the ceiling. One might ask what we were doing to deserve this treatment right? Let me paint a picture for you: Jarom, Fae and I had been out most of the day, came home around 8, watched a little TV and put Fae to bed around 9. The music started at 10. We were sitting on the couch talking, and doing some research on the computer when it started... so no, we weren't running around, or jumping, or doing anything loud at all, so we really don't know what we did to deserve this.

The music lasted 3 hours.. and nothing was done to stop it. He is apparently being evicted.. but good luck kicking someone out in the middle of winter in NY state.. I doubt it will happen.. which led me to give a little call (the 4th call about this same issue) to the land lord explaining that if something isn't done, we may look into breaking our contract.

Anyway, I titled this I love to dream because I want a house. The responsibility of a house is immense to me, but the perks so far out weigh it in my mind. I am so sick of apartment living, I could scream! Jarom keeps telling me that as soon as we graduate and get either a fellowship or a job, we will buy a house, but it really isn't helping, I just want it now!!! I'm so impatient!!

I'm not asking for much, just this ;)


  1. If you get this house, we will be the live in help

    1. hahaha deal! I'm sure there is some sort of "im-law" apartment attached to this house haha room for everyone!!

  2. Woah, that's bad! We've been married for 8.5 years, and in August we moved into our first non-apartment: a townhome. We love it! Every once in a while we hear the tiniest, vaguest thuds (kind of like kitchen cabinets getting shut) from our neighbors next door, and that is it. Apartments stink. Believe me, we've heard everything! But hang in there, we survived, you can too. And someday your dream will come true!
