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We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The best pasta Salad...

Ok, maybe I'm a chef at heart (haha) or maybe I just watch too much Food Network.. either way, I made up this delicious recipe for pasta salad a few weeks ago, and I feel like I just have to share it, so try it and that me later. This recipe is a little bit involved.. but super easy.

 What you need: Pasta (1lb) any kind you like, I use Garden veggie Rotini Pasta.. because it sneaks in a serving of veggies.. and Fae likes it!
 Olive oil
Good Season Italian dressing mix (you need to prepare the dressing as directed- I just always have it on hand, as it is my favorite salad dressing-besides the Olive Garden Salad Dressing, which is amazing)
 Garlic (3 to 4 cloves minced)
One small onion
One Red pepper
One peeled and grated carrot.
 Fontinella cheese (or another hearty Italian cheese of your choice- Fontinella is our personal favorite) salt/pepper 

Step one, prepare the pasta as you would for any other dish, leaving it just a tab bit al'dente. Strain, run under cold water, and let sit to "dry" While pasta is boiling, set oven to 350 and mince the onion cloves. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put the minced garlic on it with a little bit of olive oil. Once oven is preheated, put the garlic in the oven- you need to toast the garlic, NOT let it burn.. there is nothing worse than biting into a burnt piece of garlic, talk about bitter. This can take 10 to 15 minutes.. watch closely. (I never said this recipe was quick and easy. haha) Once the garlic in in the oven, chop your onion, red pepper and grate your carrot into a small frying pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and fry with a little olive oil. I usually cover it, so the "Veggies" become tender instead of crispy. You can add any veggies you want, sometimes I add broccoli. Cook until tender, but not mushy, and add to the pasta (you need to transfer the pasta into a bowl before you do this) The garlic should be done by now, and nice and brown, add the garlic to the pasta as well. Cut up the cheese, and it at to the pasta.. then add as much dressing as you think you need, or would like. Mix, and put in the fridge to cool. Add salt and pepper to taste before serving... it's SO good. Sorry, I don't have a picture because I made it for some company we had last night and it's alllll gone!


  1. I will try this one also. I like the veggies in it. Did you serve anything with it?

  2. Yeah we had BBQ chicken and asparagus, the pasta salad was just a side dish :)
