About us

We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Where to start, Christina and I have been friends for a long time... not since we were born, and maybe not even until I was about 8 or 10 did we really become good friends. I hear stories about how I was mean to her (when I was younger) and didn't want to go to one of her birthday parties.. haha but that is probably likely, I was a little sassy growing up (okay, I still am) But anyway, Christina was my best friend throughout my childhood/ teenage-hood, and now one of my closest adulthood friends ( I would have to say Jarom is my best friend, but duh, he's my husband) She was always such a beautiful example to me, she was always strong int he gospel (still is) has wonderful parents (whom I adore) and is married to a great guy (who Jarom and I both like, and respect very much) She is funny and kind and has an awesome, cute, wild mannered little boy who is full of personality and spunk. Fae and James get along very well, they yell at each other, hit, kick, and throw things at each other but they also hug and kiss a LOT! They love chasing each other and getting into trouble. I love seeing them play together.
I really enjoyed being able to spend time with Christina while she visited here for the last 3 weeks. I really miss having a good friend around, but I am so happy that even though we live far from each other, don't talk on the phone everyday and have both have had major changes in our lives, we are still good friends. She is still the calm and collected, "lets think things through" kind of person and I am still the "lets just DO IT!" kind of person. I am really going to miss her! I hope that someday our little children will be as good of friends as we were (are)!

This is a picture of Christina and I, in our favorite pose :)

HA! this is Fae, after being rejected from a kiss on the cheek, she decided to just sit on top of him and kiss his lips! wowwwy! She is my girl :)

Fae and James watching Toy story, both babies were exhausted! And neither of them had naps that day...
This is my beautiful friend and her little one, although he is not very little, he is super tall and strong!
Sorry about the blurry picture, I tried to get a picture of them sharing their neclaces.. but Fae neever stops moving so, it was hard haha...

1 comment:

  1. That's fun. I love getting together with old friends!
