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We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The happiest baby on the block

This book is great, I recommend it to any expectant parents, or parents of a newborn baby. It has helped me so much the past few days (since I got it)to understand both why babies cry, and how to make them stop. When Fae was born, she was a perfect little angel for about a week, and once that week was over she began to be very colicky. Nothing we did would help her to stop crying. I took her to the doctor and they told me "well shes just a fussy baby, maybe she has gas, don't worry it will be over in about 3 months." OK three months is nuts.. (as I've said in previous posts) But this book is awesome! I've learned so much and although its been taking time and a lot of effort, I can pretty much clam Fae no matter what within minutes. I no longer believe that colicky babies cry for no reason, although it may seem that way (as it did for me)PLEASE PLEASE read and reread this book! It's great! and I'm so thankful for it!!

Thank you mom for buying it for me! And although the techniques take time to learn, once they are mastered (which I am still trying to do) they work miracles... yes Fae still cries, but for hours? no, not really... maybe 20 minutes here and there..
NOTE: I've had the book for a while, but the techniques take time to learn.. for both you and your baby, so be patient and keep practicing!!


  1. I loved that book. And, there is also a video about that book that I got at the library that basically says the same things as in the book but the author of the book demonstrates how to do them. I found it very helpful even after reading the book. It is amazing how quickly he can calm crying babies. Anyway, I recommend the movie! Hope all is well!

    PS. I am still going to send a little something for Fae. I know it is taking forever, but I haven't forgotten. :)

  2. OH MY HECK...That face! I can't wait to hold her tomorrow!
