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We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the last one

Just as a side note, to see ALL the posts, you may have to click "older posts" at the bottom of the page because I updated so many times...

Anyway, on with this post. I just wanted to take a minute to talk about this things I am grateful for.
1. Jarom, I love him so much, he make me so happy and take such good care of our little family. He is so smart and is going to graduate in April, and then we are off to grad school. He is an amazing father, and helps out way more than I could ever ask for. HE is kind and generous with me and is always patient... which I need. He is my best friend and I couldn't live without him! (well I could, but it would def. suck).

2. Fae, what can I say. my little girl has such a sweet spirit, she is tender hearted and doesn't like loud noises.. or yelling. she smiles all the time and her happy face just melts my heart. Sometimes I cry just looking at her because she is so perfect and beautiful. I am so excited to get to know her personality more and more.. she is such a blessing to me and to our family.

3. (#3 ties with number 1) The gospel.. I know it sounds cliche, but without it I wouldn't be able to be with my family for forever. I can't imagine that. I love them so much I want to always be with them! I love that the church helps us to be better people, and that God is always there for us. I'm going to get a little preachy here, and for those of you who aren't LDS, bear with me.. I have a firm testimony of prayer, and I know that God listens and answers them.

4. Air Planes. Without them, I would hardly EVER get to see my family... and that would be the WORST!

5. (#5 is in the middle of #2 and 3) I am so grateful for my parents and siblings, aunts and uncles, and grandparents and cousins. I couldn't ask for a better family, they made me who I am, and lets be honest.. thats pretty awesome ;)This goes for Jarom's family as well.. because without them, I wouldn't have my Jarom, and I don't think anyone would be as perfect for me as he is.

6. My job, and babysitters.. as much as I love Fae, I love "me time" and I love my job. I am so thankful for it!! I am also thankful for willing babysitters that I trust to give Jarom and I time to be alone.

7. And maybe this ties with number 1, but Fae sleeping through the night.. she has been doing that for about 2 months now.. its the best!! ;) swaddling is key ;)

There are a million more things I am grateful for, but thats it for now!!!

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