About us

We are: Jarom, Erica and Fae Bowman- glad you stopped by our blog!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4 years!

Today we have been married for 4 years! It is crazy how fast the time has gone. Some days I feel like we just barely got married! (in a good way ha ha) We have been through a lot- moving, baby- school etc. But we still seem to really love each other, which is a good start to F O R E V E R! The trip to NYC was supposed to be for our anniversary... but I'm pretty sure we will be going out to dinner this weekend... or maybe we will get it to go.. but either way it will be one romantic night!!! 

I am just so thankful for Jarom in my life. He is my best friend, and he is so funny and so sweet to me, even when I don't deserve it, which is most of the time. He is super good looking, and we definitely made the most beautiful baby- that I've ever seen! We have a ton of fun together, even though we like hardly any of the same things. I do have one complaint though-- since Fae was born, the number of kisses I get in the day has been cut in half! It's okay though because our little Fae needs as many kisses as she can get! 

I love my little Jarom and I am so excited to be able to spend the rest of my life with him! I just hope that sometime in the near future we move out of NY and make a real salary.... haha  girl can dream right?? 

P.S we both-- in all seriousness F O R G O T today was our anniversary.... haha I called Jarom and said "It;s our anniversary today, did you know that?"
loooongg silence..
"did you?" he asked
" Well, my grandma called to say she was sorry for not sending us a card.. so I just remembered"
"We are so lame! hahaha" 
Then he came home with a big bouquet of lowers to make up for it.. I didn't really care that he forgot, since I did too... but I do LOVE flowers! 


  1. I know what you mean about the kisses. I'm scared to have this second baby b/c I may never get kissed again, sad! Also I love that you guys forgot your anniversary. We celebrated early too and so the day of I didn't even think of it till my dad texted me letting me know! Oh well, I figure I'm going to have an eternity of them so if we forget one that's not too bad...

  2. Wow happy anniversary! It does go by so fast. It's like once you celebrate you just forget. Totally normal and have done the same thing. Funny.
